Home Activities to Encourage Eye Teaming

Eye teaming, or binocular vision, is a visual efficiency skill that allows both eyes to work together in a precise and coordinated way. Good eye teaming allows sustained, comfortable vision and is the basis for depth perception. We have complied a list of activities to encourage eye teaming in children:
- Surround the crib and/or play area with fabric of a repeating pattern such as gingham to encourage the eyes, even when turned, to develop binocular cells in the brain.
- Vary the way she is put in her crib so that sometimes the left eye faces the room, sometimes the right. With an obvious eye turn, expose that eye to the room twice as often.
- Rotate her on your lap so that she sees you first with one eye, then with the other, back and forth like a rolling log
- Place interesting mobiles or child-safe mirror on side of the turned eye to catch her attention
- Encourage wide eye movements–get her to look all the way to each side with each eye
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